Akaki Adventist School is located in the Akaki-Kaliti zone in Addis Ababa region in Ethiopia.
Akaki Adventist owernship is listed as Mission. This Secondary School in Ethiopia has an enrolment of 830 with a the total number of teachers being28. The school has students from grades 9->12. The Schools address is PO BOX 25 and their phone number is 114340006
If you have more information on the school or would like to claim this listing please make a comment or email us.
Vice Principal and Academic Affairs, Solomon Wagaw
Dear: Sir
First and foremost, I would like to forward my best gratitude in advance for the help that I’m anticipated from you.
Next, the lady name Mrs. Etabebe Tefera is my sister and grew up together in Arat Killo sorunding. However, due to the circumstance I moved to the USA then back to Ethiopia finally move to Yemen now.
I lost Etabeb phone number and mailing address nearly for last ten years, and have no contact since then but curies where she is now?
On this regards, kindly asking a fever from the Adventist Mission staffs to find out about my sister Etabebe since last time she was worked in Akaki Bording School as a store keeper.
I do appreciates your utmost help in advance if you give me idea whereabouts my sister is, or otherwise provide to her my name and address which written below.
Best Regards
Solomon Kafil Zeratsion
Tel. No. (967) 733611530
Email: Solomon_kafil@yahoo.com
Sana’a, Yemen
thanks for your cooperation