Five Ways To Have A Great Relationship And Get Good Grades
January 25
Having Awesome Grades,Lasting Relationships in University

Relationships and school are equally the two huge commitments that one needs to make and they both require significant amounts of time individually for them to grow. A healthy relationship requires open communication and mutual understanding in order to work; however it is the unhealthy relationships that will make school life really hard and stressful. If you happen to meet someone who truly makes you happy, and all the feelings are mutual, then it’s okay to get into a relationship with them. If that person is the right one, he/she will help you get through tough times and make your situation less stressful, not more. Having a good relationship does not always equal to bad grades. This article will seek to show how high school students can have good relationships and still get good grades.
1. Attend all your classes
Majority of students skip classes or study time in order to spend time with their boyfriend/girlfriend. However if you want good grades, there are reasons why you should attend all your classes. Most importantly, when you are in class, you get to absorb all classroom material. Even though you go through your text books later, sitting in class and listening to your teachers will help you absorb the materials.
2. Spend time together
This is really important in all relationships. Considering you are in high school, you have midterm off’s, end of term school holiday, etc. you can both use this time to meet, catch up, and get to know each other better. However, this should also not come in the way of your studies. Arrange to meet each other during your free time, and not during your study time. Ensure that the both of you have completed your school work, house chores, and any other duties that may be expected of you at home. Spending time face to face makes your relationship work.
3. Spend time apart
When you are in a relationship, it is important to have a separate life outside the relationship. This will help you be able to ensure that your boyfriend/girlfriend does not interfere with your school life or family and social life. You need to learn how to keep things in balance. Ensuring that you spend time apart will make you want to see the other person much more. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
4. Both of you should stay safe emotionally, and physically
Your boyfriend/girlfriend is not supposed to hit, push, scream at, grab, punch, bite, shake, or harm you in any way. You are not to do the same thing to him either. Your boyfriend/girlfriend should not also force you to engage in sexual activities either. The both of you should not tell each other’s secrets and private information to other people. He/she should not blackmail you in any way; threaten you, or even call you names (emotional abuse). If someone is hurting you whether emotionally, physically, sexually, or otherwise, you should not put up with it. If the situation worsens, inform your parents/guardians then they can take it up from there.
5. Do not procrastinate
Meeting your boyfriend/girlfriend can be really exciting, and your homework is not due until the end of the holiday. However procrastination leads to nothing but stress; this means the wrath of your parents and teachers. Taking only 20-30 minutes of your day does not take a great part of your free time. Always keep an eye on what is more important since the ultimate goal is to have a great relationship and still get good grades.