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Rift valley college

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The mission of The Rift Valley University College is to enhance and advance the quality of human life through systematically chosen programs of instruction, research and public service. It is fully committed to extend and expand a range of training by continually updating the existing provision.
he Rift Valley College, as the institution was formerly known, began operations in October 2000 in Adama Town, with a capital of 1,300,000 Birr, a total number of 154 evening program students, and five part time faculty staff. The Asella branch campus was created two months later with Accounting, Law and Marketing Management being the fields of study.

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  1. mesfin bisrat said on October 22 6:27 am:

    please as a academic institution you are expected to update your website but the reality is not as such all the information currently observed in your website is too old even your institution has been changed to university but the information is in your website behind the time so please give attention to it.

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  2. Abdulhakim Abdulahi said on January 29 9:07 am:

    I am one of your student and want to take update from the University through your web. but i can see nothing in your web.
    can you please update your web and update everything.

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  3. Abebe said on August 31 7:19 am:

    Please pick up your phone …I try to contact you no body replied. This shows your carelessness

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