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Gibson Youth Academy

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Gibson Youth Academy School is located in the Bole zone in Addis Ababa region in Ethiopia.

Gibson Youth Academy owernship is listed as Private. This Secondary School in Ethiopia has an enrolment of 151 with a the total number of teachers being12. The school has students from grades 9->10. The Schools address is PO BOX 15564 and their phone number is 116613920

If you have more information on the school or would like to claim this listing please make a comment or email us.

distance: Unknown
Address Bole
  1. Abdelaziz muhedin said on June 23 1:54 am:

    I’m abdelaziz muhedin abamoga is an Ethiopian gifted and talented student scored 99.8% in grade 8 national exam and 95.34% in grade 9 average and now expected to score 4.0 in grade 10 leaving national examination in 2015.In order to succeed in his academic journey i prefer your offer.I hope your positive and constructive response will inspire my son towards realizing and achieving his vision and goal.
    Muhedin abamoga

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